60 years Ruhr University Bochum
Rektor Martin Paul

Greeting from the Rector

Dear members and supporters of Ruhr University Bochum,

Ruhr University Bochum has been and remains a powerhouse of change and progress in our region. Since its foundation as a reform university in 1965, it has established itself as a major player behind the transformation of the Ruhr area from a mining district to a science hub.

RUB 60: it stands not only for excellent research, innovative teaching and outstanding transfer and innovation activities; above all, it stands for a strong community. Thanks to our focus on diversity and internationality, we are able to build a global network while maintaining our local roots.

RUB 60: it stands not only for excellent research, innovative teaching and outstanding transfer and innovation activities; above all, it stands for a strong community.

This anniversary is more than just an occasion to celebrate our achievements to date; it is also an opportunity to take a look into the future. Let us all remain curious, courageous and committed in order to master the challenges ahead and continue to make our university fit for the future in the spirit of “built to change”.

Thank you very much for your ongoing support and commitment. Here’s to the next 60 years!


Martin Paul

Dach des Audimax vor blauem Himmel
Ruhr University Bochum is celebrating its 60th birthday
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